Monday, August 24, 2009

Future me

I had a very strange dream, in which i was in Paris with people to people again, in the future.

Somehow the group got ahead of me. And then... I saw myself.

I ran up to me, asking me all these questions saying it was me from the past.

Future me kept walking away, because future me didn't believe me. Which i found very ironic. If I'm in the past traveling to the future, wouldn't future me be aware of time travel?

Eventually i got future me to engage in a conversation with myself.

Future me was hot. Like, really hot. I wanted to smash me. Or at least ask myself out. But i thought that might be a little narcissistic. But then again i wouldn't have to worry about STD's much, it'd basically just be masturbation.

Really weird but funny point to me posting about this dream?

Future me had gotten a sex change.


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